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Nations Cup Singapore
Marina Bay, Singapore
November 18/20, 2011
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-- 2019
---- Sharjah
---- China
---- Xiamen
---- Evian
---- Portimao
---- Dammam
---- F1H2O Drivers
-- 2018
---- Sharjah
---- Abu Dhabi
---- Amaravati
---- Xiangyang
---- Evian
---- London
---- Portimao
---- F1H2O Drivers
-- 2017
---- Sharjah
---- Abu Dhabi
---- Liuzhou
---- Harbin
---- Evian
---- Portimao
---- F1H2O Drivers
-- 2016
---- Sharjah
------ Grand Prix of Sharjah F-4S
------ Postcard
------ VIP 2Seater Experience
------ People
---- Abu Dhabi
------ GP of Abu Dhabi F-4S
------ VIP 2Seater Experience
---- Liuzhou
------ Grand Prix of Liuzhou F-4S
------ Postcard
---- Harbin
------ Grand Prix of Harbin F4-S
---- Portimao
------ Grand Prix of Portimao F4-S
---- Evian
---- Dubai
------ Grand Prix of Dubai F4-S
---- F1 Drivers
---- F4-S Drivers
-- 2015
---- Sharjah
------ Grand Prix of Sharjah F-4S
---- Abu Dhabi
------ GP of Abu Dhabi F-4S
---- Liuzhou
------ GP of China F-4S
---- Porto
------ GP of Portugal F-4S
---- Evian
---- Doha
------ GP of Qatar F-4S
---- F1 Drivers
---- F-4S Drivers
-- 2014
---- Sharjah
------ GP of Sharjah F-4S
---- Abu Dhabi
------ GP of Abu Dhabi F-4S
---- Middle East
------ GP of Middle East F-4S
---- Liuzhou
------ GP of China F-4S
---- Doha
------ GP of Qatar F-4S
---- F1 Drivers
---- F-4S Drivers
-- 2013
---- Sharjah
------ GP of Sharjah F-4S
---- Abu Dhabi
------ GP of Abu Dhabi F-4S
---- Doha
------ GP of Qatar F-4S
---- Liuzhou
------ GP of China F-4S
---- Kiev
------ GP of Ukraine F-4S
------ Media Day
------ 2 Seater Experience
------ President Cup
---- Brasilia
------ GP of Brazil F-4S
---- F1 Drivers
---- F-4S Drivers
-- 2012
---- Sharjah
------ GP of Sharjah F-4S
---- Abu Dhabi
------ GP of Abu Dhabi F-4S
---- Liuzhou
------ GP of China F-4S
------ Postcard
---- Kiev
------ President Cup
------ GP of Ukraine F-4S
------ Postcard
---- Kazan
------ Postcard
------ GP of Tatarstan F-4S
---- Doha
------ Postcard
------ GP of Qatar F-4S
---- F1 Drivers 2012
---- F-4S Drivers 2012
-- 2011
---- Sharjah
------ GP of Sharjah F-4S
---- Abu Dhabi
------ GP of Abu Dhabi F-4S
---- Liuzhou
------ GP of China F-4S
---- Kiev
------ VIP 2 Seater
------ Match Race
------ GP of Ukraine F-4S
---- Kazan
------ GP of Tatarstan F-4S
------ Stas Kurtsenovskiy
---- Portimao
------ GP of Portugal F-4S
------ Crash Marit Stromoy
---- Doha
------ GP of Qatar F-4S
---- F1 Drivers 2011
-- 2010
---- Sharjah
------ GP of Sharjah F-4S
---- Abu Dhabi
------ GP of Abu Dhabi F-4S
---- Doha
------ GP of Qatar F-4S
---- Shenzhen
------ GP of Shenzhen F-4S
---- Liuzhou
------ GP of Liuzhou F-4S
---- Linyi
---- St Petersburg
---- Portimao
------ 2 Seater Experience
---- F1 Drivers 2010
---- F4 Drivers 2010
-- 2009
---- Sharjah
------ Gala Dinner
---- Abu Dhabi
---- Doha
---- Shenzhen
---- Liuzhou
---- St Petersburg
---- Lahti
---- Portimao
---- F1 Drivers 2009
-- 2008
---- Sharjah
---- Abu Dhabi
---- Shenzhen
---- Liuzhou
---- St Petersburg
---- Lahti
---- Portimao
---- Doha
---- F1 Drivers 2008
-- 2007
---- Sharjah
---- Abu Dhabi
---- Doha2
---- Doha1
---- Shenzhen
---- Xi'an
---- La Rochelle
---- Portimao
---- F1 Drivers 2007
-- 2006
---- Sharjah
---- Abu Dhabi
---- Chongzhou
---- Como
---- Portimao
---- Doha
---- F1 Drivers 2006
-- 2005
-- Crash, Oops & Flips..
H2O Nations Cup
-- 2016
---- Grand Prix of Shanghai
-- 2015
---- Grand Prix of Qatar
------ Drivers
-- 2014
---- Grand Prix of Qatar
-- 2013
---- Nations Cup Abu Dhabi
---- Nations Cup Qatar
-- 2012
---- Nations Cup Khor Fakkan
-- 2011
---- Nations Cup Singapore
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